Friday, November 16, 2007

I'm le tired!

so, i just had this 3hr history war and technology debate/presentation thing for my project and all I can remember from it is the guys talking about B29s, B17s, and the V1, V2, M110, the pathers, the enigma, the ultra, the FHDH, JS-3, MG42, DUKH, F17, the ABC1, DEF2, whatever.

MY GOD. And I'm watching my toenails turn blue. It was cold.

stupid boys and their toys. (erm, those are just same names for the weapons/aircraft/tanks used in WWII by the way) What can I add to this man! You should have seen me, nodding my head and smiling like I agree/understand what the hell they were talking about but really I was thinking about dinner ( which, by the way, I haven't eaten yet).

Anyway stats test was arghh. ya, thats the best word I can come up with. haha but the studying part last night and this morning was quite funny, those 20-30min gossiping breaks. hur. so it wasnt half-bad.

and yea, we can totally start a daytime (except that most of the events take place at night) soap opera titled 'Eusoff' which will run for a thousand episodes and it will have such high viewership that they move it to a primetime slot at 10pm. And then we'd have spin-offs, animated series, and own merchandising. like dolls. sounds like a good business plan. (as long as we dont cast ming. hah.)

it just occurred to me that I have a free day tmr! maybe I should go home. one of my favorite activities when the weekend comes is to go home early when my parents don't expect me to and late when my parents expect me early.

and all family guy fans should watch this!(stole it from my brother)

I love it too that some actors have gone to join the strikes. and yay go stewie!


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