Thursday, February 26, 2004

here follows the account of Isildur (oh, oops, i meant meiyi) in the age 3434 of the second age on october twenty fourth ( 25 feb 2004, actually): It came to me. It is mine. My precious. The markings on the band that once shone as clear begins to fade. A secret now only fire can tell.
One ring to rule them all. One ring to find them.
One ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.

haha, okay that was major crap...

My account is as follows: Yesterday, the gallant soldier from tpjc, michelle, rode to my current abode, tjc, seeking counsel. My leaders made known to her the economics within our dwellings. The hour is late, so i decided to ride out with michelle on to nyjc in search of our lost xinmin soldiers. Long and tedious, the journey was. The buildings of nyjc were high and majestic. Once inside, we began to feel the heat. The air was choking us. Had our lost xinmin soldiers not known of this before choosing to dwell there for three months? We finally found heli, our brave leader, by using our ancient xinmin horns to call for her. But she had to leave, her leader wanted to see her. We explored nyjc at will. There, I spotted my senior, Jasmine, and someone from the ancient temasek army. Heli joined us again and was told of our plan. She would love to join us but she needed to go visit her ancient elders. She rode with us till serangoon mrt station where our paths split. We said our goodbyes quickly, for we know we shall meet again two days later. From there, michelle and i rode on bravely, though tired, on to mjc. we used our horns again, to call for lost xinmin soldiers. Few were found for the rest had gone. They have moved on. i went on a search for aqquaintces from the ancient temasek army. Friends of old i meet again. we should have celebrated our reunion with merry drinking. However that was unavailable to us and they had their duties to carry out.

okay okay tired of thinking of how to crap... after that michelle had softball training and insisted i go with her. so i went to tpjc see see, since their school is already over. after tpjc, i went to tampines mall to meet alicia and jiaying. we walked until about six then i finally went home. okay, the end. You see, it could have been a good story thingy haha but i too lazy to complete it.

Tonight! WE shall Parrrty on!! through the night!! TOMORROW COMES WITH DEATH!! Drink your fills, tonight, my friends!!! For doom draws near...WE CAN ONLY WAIT...for death.

Hey,but after that got mardi gras right... hmm maybe its not so bad...


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