Monday, July 16, 2007

here I am, waiting for the rest of The Hills Have Eyes to load on my computer and I can already tell it's going to be another one of those cannibals/psychos meet passing travellers who have taken a shortcut and gotten lost (a trap by the cannibals/psychos themselves, of course) movies. Such shows affect me so much that i would go thinking...oh, i should go on a backpacking trip around America one day, i could rent a car and...oh no! what if i run into cannibals/psychos in some forest (wrong turn, cabin fever) or in some desert (the hills have eyes) or some corn field (friday the 13th, children of the corn) or some deserted small town (house of wax) and they would eat me up or turn me into wax and no one would ever know what happened to me! yeah, i'm getting quite scared of America and its vast lands.

American horror films are never about ghosts, more like evil crazy people who have lost touch with reality or some sort of demon. Even when there are ghosts, its always about good-natured ghosts who have died in the hands of some maniac who is still living among the people, pretending to be nice to them and all. Asian films, on the other hand, are always about crazy ghosts who cannot reason and kills everyone in the show somehow. Ghosts who climb out of your tv set, cell phones, sinks, bathtubs, fax phones, your hair, washing machines, ovens, microwave, underwear, and so on. The angmohs prefer something more solid, apparently, something you can actually shoot at and the 'thing' would die. or course, 'it' would also revive in parts 2 and 3 of the same movie but thats another story.

actually i can guess why. ang mohs dont actually look scary in any way. if u see an angmoh little girl appearing at the end of the hallway i think you would be more of 'aww, cute' rather screaming and tearing your hair out. imagine the Ring with long blonde hair and you'd get my point. asian kids are darn creepy on the other hand. but then again, i can't really tell if they're asian. they're all blue for some reason. or white. but i know they are starting to use blue kids in shows like the messengers. so yea, blue is just a scary colour.

Ah anyways, Hollywood should totally come up with new material for their horror films. boring shit.


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