Sunday, July 20, 2008

Laundry Day.

oh everyone watch Dr. Horrible! It' nice! oh well, I've only watched the first part but i think it's going to be reeeally funny. and sadd also ( I can see where the plot is going already and it's all set up for heartbreak!) But I could be biased because I just love eveything Joss Whedon produces. aww I think life should be lived and told in a form of a musical don't you think? sing and dance just makes everything so pweety(even heartbreak) and so much less boring. and somehow more truthful. oh I cant wait for the next 2 parts to load. it takes a while so i suggest you load all at the same time. Think I might cry at this ending. like how I cried for the last 5 chapters of the book im reading yesterday. I ended up so emo at 4am last night. I havent cried reading a book in a long while. But this one wasn't really that fantastic, it's just that the tragedy in the end was just so unexpected and so unfair. okay maybe that's the part where makes it a good book so yah...just ignore me lah. haha.

Michelle just pierced her belly today. this date is going down into history yah ;)
I think piercings just suit some people, like daph. but not me. I just too...happy to have so many piercings. okay fine too uncool to have so many piercings. Like my hair. i think this colour would be okay for some people, and some people think it looks okay on me too (my mum didn't even notice the difference!) but there are times that i just cannot take it. too loud i think. I just cannot stand that 2 blond streaks i've got. i know, horrifying right. sigh, sometimes it isnt so bad. But i think it's something I'm going to try to live with.

but yes watch the show. so far my favourite part is after he says "Oh sacarsm! How original!" Just look at his face after he said it. hahaha.


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