Friday, July 04, 2008

Ode to my feet.

blisters, bleeding and skin flapping everywhere. Now I understand what Monica from Friends meant when she said the reason why she couldn't return the shoes that she just bought was because the insides were filled with her blood. I was trying to put off bathing for as long as I could. I can't believe I have such lousy feet and even lousier shoes. I need a foot massage! and maybe go let the fish nibble at my feet until they really spoil and I can get new ones.

I'm le tired man! But yays to Federer into the finals. I love watching the little things during tennis games. how the linesmen have to duck the balls coming straight at them, how the ball pickers seem to run for their lives, the camera zooming in on the players' families and girlfriends so we can judge them, the players' clothes and accessories..etc. gives you something to laugh about.

I feel so out of the loop these days. And I am bothered about how much it bothers me despite as much as I try to not let it bother me. OH monday come quickly.

I like my apples cold, and usually I put them in the freezer for a while. and usually I forget about them. The last few times my dad threatens to throw them at me. this time, because we all feel the tendency to do something illegal once in a while, I threw it out of the window and god was that thud satisfyingly resounding. I just hope I didn't kill someone. I am not weird and everyone should try freezing apples sometimes.


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