Saturday, August 23, 2008


In an essay I had to do for Film and History I was emphasizing on the idea of how as long as you choose to believe certain information, whether they have any truth in them or not does not matter. And I couldn't help but think of so many other situations outside history in which this holds true. So often we find ourselves in the torture of our own mind, going round in smaller and smaller circles. We've almost only perfectly blocked out every other sign which tells us something different from what we already believe. I think this is how I can still be surprised by some actions of my friends around me despite living with them for two years now. And then, one day somehow we'd look back and wondered what the hell could we ever have been thinking. There are no facts, only perspective. And taking psych reminds me everyday how powerful our minds can be in affecting every single thing we do and hence everything we are. In which case, do you realize that we can only be slaves to ourselves?

I must be secretly Russian because I support them for everything in the Olympics. And also during the Cold War. So I was watching them in the synchronized swimming event, and I kept thinking if what I was feeling was this 'awe' my lecturer was trying to tell us about. It was like my heart was in my throat and honestly I was pretty close to tearing. And don't you ever wonder how their lives would be after these athletes have ended their career?

And I will tell you about the Pandemonium concert another time when I upload accompanying photos into my com. I need to talk about things like that because I am going to grow up to be that kind of old farts who can't remember their own names. by then I would need a friend (whose name/face I will not remember) to print out all my archives of this blog to remind me that when I was younger I actually had a pretty exciting life. coolness. now who's going to remember me even after I've forgotten myself?!

Time has stopped before us
The sky cannot ignore us
No one can separate us
For we are all that is left


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