Sunday, January 11, 2009

Save now.

So today was Chingay's first full dress rehearsal and I'm all so super super super duper (haha) tired from this whole day of waiting. But it was nice, this so many months of repeating the same dance steps over and over again (even before rag) has been zzzzzz for so long and finally I could see what it was all for. And it's damn worth it :)

a couple things I learnt today, firstly that I really like to sew. haha. I never thought I'd love anything remotely resembling a chore and would live my days out as a taitai. but seriously sewing is pretty fun. so fun that I was risking my fingers helping Sunil sew on his bells on his costumes on a moving bus. this must be all part of growing old. there's also the part where we all kept gushing over the little kids performing in their little cute outfits.

and I'm beginning to see how love conquers all. because basically, once you're in, you two are the only people in the world. the rest are just, borrowing Daphne's words, scenery.

talking to zhiyuan for quite a while made me realise several things. darn I'm sad to go to his room and see only a laptop on the table and sheets on the bed. the rest of the room is just, empty. And we just have to accept all this coming and going in life. somehow we just don't realise the value of those that made an impact in our lives or taught us a few things until they're all gone. We might all write our thanks and love in a Christmas card, but really, how often do we really show it?


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