Wednesday, July 14, 2004

My house suddenly has this swarm of invisible mosquitoes sucking me dry and the insecticide doesn't seem to help. Darn...

I recently realised I blog mostly about the unhappy things that happen and i am wondering why. Why don't i blog about the happy stuff? but it seems like nobody, not even myself, will really read it if it was all happy and cheery. This is bad. why do we always concentrate and dwell on the bad things that happen to us? why does the happy things which happen seem so insignificant compared to all the bad stuff? Hmm...this is not good! we should ignore the bad stuff and talk about the good stuff! Concentrate on being happy! next time someone scolds you, heck care! when someone insults you, heck care! Laugh it off! haha this shall be my new philosophy in life: heck care!

Im not making sense again, am I? Anyway I shall talk about the happy stuff that happened to me the past few days.
1)Moderation of JCT results
2)bumping into my pri school classmate ( she made me do her pw survey though)
3)Rain, rain and more rain!
4)I helped in the cooking today and the kitchen didn't get burnt down.
5)No chinese periods in the afternoon beacuse of oral ( my own oral sucked by the way)
6)Made some new friends in school
7)took some time to watch the cats at the void deck with some cat lovers. (what? its relaxing kay...)

yay...see this is good...haha. Not totally free from some bad stuff though.

My brother just pointed his handphone at me and said he will use the radiation to kill me. (???????)


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