Monday, August 25, 2008

3 4 5 6.

okay I know I said photos but apparently I didn't take any almost decent shots that are representative enough so the entire pile's up on facebook. anyway, I think friday made all of us look at mpsh differently now. for me, the memories are a little sweeter now lah for reasons unmentionable;) I think its quite amazing how we all managed to make an nus event seem like a eusoff event at the end. I mean like next time all allan has to do is make a fake podium then find a eusoffian with a super iTunes playlist and we can have hall bash in function hall already. Don't even need to buy booze, just gather from all the 4th floor boys. I thought clubbing at mpsh would be pretty weird but looks like once you're high, anything goes. So much for thinking about only good clean fun when I left hall, dressed up suitable only for good clean fun. I never had so much space to dance for a damn long time already. hur funny how I havent said anything about any band but yahh, damn proud of sixology no matter what lah. woohoo! haha and sarah...that one i got nothing to say lah. I'm just damn amused.

oh look 5am. see this is what happens when you spend all day sleeping.
ehh chings just told me the Olympics ended today. haha. erm like, where was I?


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