Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Communications and New Timbre.

these few days I'm starting to see some serious limitations in my ability to socialize and interact with people. see the funny thing is I can, or at least I think I can carry a decent conversation with just about anyone, except to the few individuals that I kind of like. like you know, LIKE. anyhoo I get reduced to some kind of social retard and everything that comes out of my mouth is just some major random shit if I do manage to say anything at all. That's way uncool.

do you also sometimes feel like you want to share some personal thoughts with someone, but when the moment has passed, you'd only decide against it and then never bring the issue up again? it always reminds me of this episode of Srcubs where Dorian has to kiss Elliot again within 24hrs after their first 'accidental' kiss or he would be labelled as her guy friend for the rest of his life. and the entire episode was just this major countdown as he runs around the hospital trying to get to her. obviously he fails, and then the feeling lost and the moment is just, well, gone forever.

I totally dig the storyline to The Forgotten, although I'd love to see some parts further developed. Meiyi, not myself, really was great lah although she still scares the shit out of me. so thats two types of people I can't communicate with. all in all it was a nice cosy Eusoff night at Old School. urgh except maybe the later massive drinking part. And today I am grateful for you planting your face right in front of me <3 <3

and hello shazzy I heart our school skipping ways.

and somebody tell me how is this sexy. its no wonder i can't sleep at night anymore.


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