Thursday, October 05, 2006

ahhh, my posts disappeared.
a lot of people are getting depressed here in hall. T'is the season to be breaking-up. bummer. I've been catching up on my sleep which i've been missing since...last thursday? It really seems like the more I sleep, the more tired I get (like how i think i'm going right straight back to bed after this). It has become kinda weird between me and my friend, cos the topics i'd wished to avoid are popping up all over the place now. And then I start thinking and getting suspicious. And then i'd never know if my suspicions are real cos i've been sleeping and not interacting (haha). ok maybe we'll see tonight or something. here, there's a thin line between being friends and being together.
Hmm I've never expected to be such good friends with so many people so quickly here in hall.
I'm forced to be open minded. I've never been surrounded by so many people who are not straight before. Doesn't help that the guys from first floor don't interact with us at all and guys from the fourth floor only come down once in a while to suan us. Not that i'm still being homophobic(clara's label for me), they're all super nice people (doesnt apply universally tho) but im just saying...
I think my life is the most emotionally stable than anyone i've EVER known. Nothing ever happens to me! Nothing! I've decided that I'm not going to complain and count my blessings and then use this to try and help around more (with all the breaking up and exam stress going around) so hence my nick! I feel like the person people write their troubles to in magazines and they give advice. hahaha...ok im flattering myself here. but I'm blabbering cos i cant wait to go back to sleep.


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