Thursday, April 17, 2008

I'd say go to bed, World.

zomg how cute is this dog! if i ever do get a dog it will be this, whatever breed this is, or that nippon paint dog, or a golden retriever, or a pug. anyways, this dog belongs to martha stewart and it just passed away. and what amuses me most is where got people name their dog 'Kublai Khan Paw Paw Chow Chow Chow' one? talk about indecisive. when you can't pick one name from all that you like, use all. but chow 3 times is a bit excessive really. haha but still, DAMN CUTE DOG!


I love this feeling, just sitting on my bed with my laptop resting on my lap in this nice cool weather. in the dead stillness of the night and the rest of the world asleep. old cheesy love songs softly playing (From the heart by Another Level to be exact, haha). everything, every problem feels surreal and I can finally relax and breathe in a way I've not been to for a long while. I feel calm like everything's going to turn out right eventually. every time i walk back from D block, i'd pause at the bridge and look up at the sky to see if the stars are out. and tonight they finally were, not to mention the usual bright moon over B block. I wanna do the star gazing thing again, no matter how silly I look.

Think I'm going to put the song on repeat as I sleep:)
Goodnight everyone.


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