Friday, November 14, 2008

Stella, you're killing me.

hmm that photo does have a calming effect on me so hello, here's another one! exams are coming people, time to construct you list of things to do after the exams because there IS a light at the end of this tunnel! Everytime the exams come around I get this fear that everyone's moving on without me. Because I lock myself in my room and don't get off my ass (except to pee) for two whole weeks and the rest of the world do the whole studying together at the library/coffee place/bench thing. So I keep wondering if I'd be forgotten. Haha this thought hangs around at the back of my mind until I truly panic about my papers and can't care less.

as I feel my life slowly seeping away while waiting for my laptop (which I have affectionately named Stella) to restart twice today because Stella's mighty efficient these days, I start to think about how much of our time is spent on waiting. waiting for the bus, waiting for class, waiting for food, waiting FOR FRIEND, wait wait wait. my god so much time is wasted doing nothing but waiting. what does this tell us? don't wait? wait? huh what are you waiting for an answer?????


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