Monday, April 06, 2009

Sluts & Scholars.

Chinaone was like a glimpse into the future. Just sitting there, absolutely sober because my drink was taking a century to come, and watching all the girls shamelessly throw themselves into the arms of ang moh men just made me want to hurl. And they want you to stare, as they set out to seduce the newest next angmoh they've targetted. It was like so many tactical missions going on simultaneously in the dark. Jac and I laughed when this girl decided to randomly grind this angmoh guy who was just having a drink with his friends and he totally ignored her and walked away. I don't understand what is this obsession with angmoh men, they're just, taller, paler.

That's when you spot the singaporean men around. One, my favourite, was on the dance floor wearing glasses and carrying a big backpack, with his nicely gelled down centre parting and office clothes. haha classic. Not that I have anything against wearing glasses or carrying backpacks or office clothes or even dancing in a club. Just that when you put all of it together, that's just too much for anyone to take. Hence I invented the backpack dance, he was my muse. ask me to show you when I see ya haha. Even some of the Singaporean women dress like they've given up on life and wandered into the club while looking for the fish market. What is this! Is there only two catergories of working people?! The mid-life crises and the desperates? And after making fun of the guy with the backpack, I can be sure to end up in the first catergory (kharma kharma). In the meanwhile, I couldn't help but feel cool that night. because we have youth. haha, which is also the same reason why we should stop doing clubs where all the young punks are. Not now, peharps soon.

nevertheless friday night was a nice intimate night at clarke quay. And I say clarke quay, not Chinaone because the four of us got lost in the area, circling all the clubs at least 4 times before we got anywhere. The walking part was fun, because we got to talk a lot, plus I wasn't really in the mood for a clubbing kind of thing. But once we entered the place, I discovered what a slave to music I am and started bobbing uncontrollably haha. The band was good, but I hear they've been playing the same set of songs for months, so yes, no wonder. anyways, back to walking aimlessly in the middle of the night with people; I think I'm addicted to it. It's the whole feeling like you have left the world behind you and you can take your time, do whatever you like :) It's kinda theraputic. It's free (and can even save you some money on transportation) so that's where it trumps retail therapy. And I always say c3 girls are like family. Like family, we may bitch, fight, and have our cold wars, but we will still be the first to be there for each other if anything should happen to any of us.

Okay, it's dark, it's rainy, time for me to sleep :)


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