Saturday, September 04, 2004

What is Theology

Firmly held beliefs determine the way people see the world, the way they make meaning of their lives and the way they live those lives.

Theology is the study of such beliefs and meaning-making within one of the world’s major religions‑-Christianity. It studies the ancient foundational texts of Christianity, the beliefs and practices that developed through the centuries of its influence not only in Europe but across the world, and the way its story and its beliefs shape contemporary spiritualities and lives. It explores questions of life and death, of belief and doubt, of hope and despair in a world that faces complex human and religious questions.

To begin to explore Christianity’s understanding of God and God’s relationship with humankind and the universe within the School is to undertake a journey. This journey provides guidance in the examination of historical and contemporary spiritualities and theologies and their understandings of God, the human person, relationships, suffering, and justice. You will learn ways of reading and interpreting texts and traditions and will explore their influence on Western art, film, literature, philosophy and society. You may also develop skills in responding to a range of human contexts such as grief, illness, suffering and celebration if this is an area of theology which you choose to develop.

This journey of theology covers contested ground in today’s world. Divergent positions, premises and methodologies will appear. Traditional assumptions will be weighted against the role of context and culture. All this invites you to participate in the development of a rich and vigorous theological discourse.


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