well the visit to my aunt's place today was...eventful.
two of my cousins who are sisters got into a fight, leaving me silent in the middle. apparantly the younger one had gotten herself hooked on playing Habbo Hotel. and according to the older cousin, that's how she's become a different person. She complianed to me about how she's swearing regularly now (she's only pri 5!) and becoming a total materialistic bimbo. then she went on describing about her lil' sis buying a billabong bag which costs a bomb and the horrid songs she starting to listen to...which i felt sounded quite like me haha...so that's bad. well, i just listened and smiled and nodded. i wasn't exactly an angel when I was in pri 5 or 6 as i remember. we had this year long bitch fight with the girls of the other class,and swear words were constantly being exchanged everyday, and i was really quite messed up. hope that this is just a phase for her. Sigh.
then the oldest sister broke down. everyone knew she was already sorta stressed out ever since she went to university but i didn't know it was that bad! her mom just mentioned (jokingly) that her skin is getting worse due to stress and then she just started crying. so sad! she's my favourite cousin really, though I don't really talk to her as much as the second sister. I always liked her most, thought she was the most capable, sorta like the person i always wanted to be like. seeing her cry makes me feel like crying too. didn't know she was a hundred times more stressed out than me. hope she makes it out of this okay. everyone's pretty worried about her, like hello, its only the first year of uni!! Double sigh.
then the other cousin. he's having his PSLE this year. and everyone does not have hope. ok, this is one student who just refuses to study. he keeps saying that he is very tired and doesn't go to school at least once a week. i think he's crazy... feeling tired in primary school? my pri school days were the slackest and the funnest! well anyway he already got himself in EM3 and his mum scan't seem to do anything to make him study.(his dad doesn't give a shit and i think he's having an affair) in my opinion, he's just a bloody spoilt brat. and apparantly he and his mum are all seeing counsellors.
when i heard tis i just told me mum: 'see, what better time to study psychology? I get bloody rich!'
oh and it's his birthday today. happy birthday, dude. nice cake.
and i conclude that everyone's going crazy. yay.