positively somewhere

Monday, August 31, 2009

Can I just be a geek and tell you how very very awesome Buffy the Vampire Slayer is. very very very awesome. Doesn't matter how old I am, I don't think I will ever get over this show. I'm not going to recommend you to watch this, I am going to force it upon you whether you're scared, or find it satanic and whatnots. I love everything about the show, right from season 1 to 7! Kinda sad that the show isn't continued, but really it has ended in a great big suitable finish that another season would be pointless. Joss Whedon really is a genius. Now that I'm done with it all, I feel like I can watch it all over again. Definitely a good investment, don't you just love pirated cambodian dvds :D

Up next, gilmore girls!

Friday, August 28, 2009

The monkey has a fever.

waking up at 5am from a dream of three-headed dogs, naked men with horns, endless doors that lead to another door behind it, and a mirror with a ghost in it, and then having to call a friend because I was too afraid to fall back asleep and back into that dream IS NOT SOMETHING THAT HAPPENS TO A 22 YEAR OLD. tsk.

erm but yes, more touching news today, when I had to do Cambodia all over again by leaving the children behind with them calling out teacher mei teacher mei not knowing it's the very last time they're going to see me, and the last time I will see them. sadness. But it kinda makes the bitchy teachers so much unimportant, and really its all about the kids. they are so cute! I thought they'd stop being cute after a month, but no, they're always cute. I was all teary when I left. I'd definitely miss them.

My imagination can get pretty insane sometimes.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

meiyiendswork bash.

I wonder how my mum can complain about her work for hours on end every evening, when all I want after getting off work is to NEVER bring it up again. work was horrible, that's all I would say. during work itself, i keep thinking, ohmygosh I have to tell so-and-so about this very annoying incident but at the end of everyday all of the horrible things have melted into one bad bad horrifying ball of horrors. so I wouldnt even be able to tell you what happened if I had mustered all my strength to do so.

so yes, work was bad. Let's not talk about it. Come party next wednesday.

Friday, August 14, 2009

about work..
I don't think I'd ever be sending my children to day care. the teachers there are really insane, and we have a strict policy about no beating or scolding when parents are around, and at the end of everyday we tell them parents what a fabulous boy their sons have been the entire day. NOT true. This feels like a some concentration camp where the public are told that the prisoners are kept for research and whatnots but really, they're all getting tortured behind the walls. If I ever do open a kindergarten, it shall have the Cambodia concept; one small classroom, and one huge sandy courtyard. And caning will still be a largely accepted method. so children will not turn into whiny, weak, dissrespectful little brats. But they're still cute little brats, hoho.

about family..
My cousin and Aunt came from Japan for a couple days last week, and I was asking her if she found it difficult to see her husband (who works here in Singapore) only once a month or so. She laughed. Apparently it's awesome, and she tells me that the housewives back in Japan are all really envious of her. You can have your own life, you'd miss him more, and he'll annoy you less! haha, guess absence really makes the heart grow fonder. I then asked her how about the trust, and did she really trust him to be alone here? she said she'd just have to close one eye. strange how even when they don't see each other often, their marriage seems perfect (but maybe it's not, I don't really know), yet my other aunts can't seem to keep their families together even when they're all here at the same time. Maybe being apart has its benefits, you can think clearer, you know what you want, how you feel, you can see the bigger picture, and you'd be able to see what's important and real and what you have to do. or maybe sometimes people just make mistakes, oh well.

about friends..
I was watching this show, and I think it has put into words how I feel about some friends. There are just some friends whom you keep away from your usual clique of people, because you'd want to feel like it's something special to you, that is not 'shared'. And with this friend, or more, you can sort of escape from your usual life, feel safe, and you finally not have to talk about other people, but keepings things that are about the two of you. And I'm pretty sure I'm still talking about friends here. I definitely feel like that around some people.

Saturday, August 08, 2009

yellow blooded.

going back to hall gave me a sense of how everything was the same, but different. No, who am I kidding, everything's different. And I'm glad I'm out of it, taking with me what's important, what's somehow (in case I speak too soon) permanent and timeless. I feel all grown up.

And I'm so proud of rag :)